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Build the House

Dear Crossway Family,

I thank God for you.  As we celebrate our anniversary this September, there are so many grace-filled moments that come to mind: our outdoor worship services at Doubletree, the fellowship shared in our CG’s, seeing our children shouting their praise at VBS, and so much more.  God has indeed blessed us.

For the next chapter of Crossway we are praying for the Lord’s provision of a permanent home.  We have been praying for a facility in the Orange/Anaheim area.  We want to continue to pursue our vision of being a gospel-centered community in the heart of Orange County to be a blessing to the ends of the earth.

In Haggai 1:8, the people of God are called to “build the house” of the Lord.  This is a collective work for each and every one of us.  These are our values for this capital campaign:

  1. We must rely on God through prayer.  Nothing we do must make us independent from God (Phil 4:6).
  2. We must trust and believe in God.  God is greater than us and can do all things (Hebrews 11:1).
  3. We all must take part in this work.  There is no gift or sacrifice too small that God cannot use (1 Cor. 12:14).
  4. We must sacrifice.  Haggai 1:8 calls us to sacrifice; our time, talents and treasures.  Go (time), bring the wood (treasures) and build the house (talent).  This is giving above and beyond our usual offerings and tithes.

On our anniversary (Sept. 25) we will give our first fruits offering.  Our goal is to raise 2 million dollars.  How has God blessed you?  Let me encourage you to prepare with a heart of gratitude as we build His house together.  I look forward to what God will do through our Crossway family.

Click the Donate button below to donate to our Build the House campaign online:

Love you all in Christ,

Pastor Steve