The goal of Crosswalk Ministry is to produce children who:
Know and love Christ personally.
Love and serve the Church.
Love to tell the Gospel to others.
We join Crossway’s parents in helping children become lifelong disciples of Jesus
Crosswalk Ministry Vision:
We JOIN Crossway’s parents in helping children become lifelong disciples of Jesus

The goal of Crosswalk Ministry is to produce children who:
Know and love Christ personally.
Love and serve the Church.
Love to tell the Gospel to others.
We join Crossway’s parents in helping children become lifelong disciples of Jesus
FIRST STEPS (1-2 years old): Our littlest ones are discovering a world filled with newness. Our First Steps room is staffed by volunteers who are there to nurture and introduce your child to the wonders of our God and His love.
CROSSWALK PRESCHOOL MINISTRY (3-5 years old): Young children are introduced to God’s care for them in a multi-sensory approach. They will be exposed to the Bible through music, games, and puppets.
CROSSWALK ELEMENTARY MINISTRY (Kindergarten-5th grade): Kids participate in large group worship, and message time, and then break up into small groups. At Crosswalk, friends can experience God through creative Bible stories, crafts, games, and snacks! These activities help our friends understand that God loves them and how Jesus is their Savior, Lord, and friend.